Saturday 9 July 2011

I've just had a look back at these posts. They are almost all bitter and angry. I'm not all the time, but I am every time I post here.

Probably M left cos I'm bitter and angry? Probably M shouldn't have been born.

Yesterday the guy who has just been promoted to as new head of all our companies in Europe gave a bit of a talk to my part of the company. I already knew a lot of it. It didn't make it any the less facinating. He has done A LOT with his life. A lot of it amazing, a lot of it really interesting.

He is funny, charismatic, highly-intelligent, fluent in languages you wouldn't expect, a caring father to 4 kids, driven, rich, a bit of an Eco-warrior hippy at times and also pretty damn gorgeous. (Married. Of course :o)

He's only 44.

And where am I at 37?

Still, at least I'm not M.
Driveling on about how I'm being unfair to insist on him having proper accomodation for our son because he can only earn 210 a week.

What does that make me? I married the dick.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I'm 41 and hopefully by next month will have ticked off all my ambitions.

    Aim low, shoot high.

    Why doesn't he just get a proper job instead of having an easy life and sponging off others?
